CSA Nuts + Bolts
(Our Frequently Asked Questions)
CAN i cancel my csa and get a refund?
CSA shares may be cancelled and refunded anytime before the start of the CSA season. Once the season starts, we reserve the right to not issue refunds and encourage members who are moving to pass off their share to friends or family that would be interested in the CSA.
what time of day are deliveries made?
Deliveries will be made between 8 and 5 on the day of delivery you have selected.
what if I’m going on vacation during the summer?
We know summer is prime vacation time. Members are more than welcome to reschedule shares to another pick-up site or even to double-up shares on a particular week. Try and limit how much this happens to save our logistical brains and please, please, please…. we need one week’s notice (in writing - my brain is full!) to make it work. If we receive less than a week’s notice, we reserve the right to say ‘sorry, not possible’. Our harvest schedule is super tight, so juggling shares can be challenging.
what if i’m not satisfied with a product?
If you are unhappy with the quality of the vegetables you receive, you are entitled to a refund for damaged or poor quality product (think bruised tomatoes) as long as you let us know within 1 day of receiving the veggies. We take full responsibility for how veggies arrive on your doorstep, BUT we do ask that you set out a cooler to ensure quality is maintained once your order arrives. If you don’t leave a cooler out and order salad mix and it sits out all day it’s not going to be in great shape and that one is on you. :)
do you accept returns?
No, we do not allow returns on any perishable products.
Do you have any options for low income households?
Lovefood is delighted to be able to accept payments with food stamps, Quest or SNAP through the Partner Shares Program at the Fair Share CSA Coalition. Low-income households may also be eligible 25-75% of cost assistance up to $350!!!! Contact Partner Shares for more details - info@csacoalition.org, tinyurl.com/partnershares (608) 226-0300